Spring Time...
Gah Im boring
(2003-10-04, 10:44 p.m.)
Blah today was pretty crappy.

First off...foodwise...not gonna go there...lets just say that my roomates goe for the weekend. tomorrow im fasting.I have a new plan. Mon-Wed-Thurs eat normally, Tues-Fri-Sat-Sun either fast or heavily restrict. I hafta get down to 130. Maybe even 125 or 120.

I bought a scale. According to it Im 139.5.the gym says im 144. I think mine would be more accurate tho b/c its new and im the only one who uses it. i dunno. just in case ill say im 142.

the next time i go to the woodlands im getting my tongue pierced. im excited.

im homesick. for indiana home. i miss my puppy.

im kinda mad at some of my friends...well not mad more hurt. its just my insecuirities dont pay attentionn to em.

*yawn* gettin up at 10 to go workout.
