Spring Time...
10 Hrs!
(2003-10-03, 10:05 a.m.)
Wohoo! Been on my "fast" for 10 hrs now. I say 'fast' b/c im drinking coffee right now.

Went to the gym. Weighed the same as yesteray despite Aunt Flo and my eating. So either i didnt gain any weight or i lost weight and im just retaining water. Oh well I wont know for sure until Monday.

Burned 400 cals on the elliptical and 50 lifting weights. Yeh I had a lot of energy. I wont have this much tomorrow.

Anyways Im gonna go drink my coffee and watch sorority life till class..

Well I fucked up my fast. *sigh* me and my damn period. Well im getting up tomoorrow at the buck crack of dawn to work out for atleast 3 hrs. Since I ate it shouldnt be too bad. Well I restarted my fast at 10:00 tonight. Gonna go until 8:00 Mon morning. Bout 2 n a half days. Not bad. I mean it wasnt hard to today i dunnoo...i found some left over frozen yogurt and it went downhill from there. Tomorrow Im gonna:.

get up at 8 go to the rec center.

. 45 min on EFX.

30 min lifting weights.

go to clark field.

run the mile.

wall ball for 30 min..

come back to my dorm and do some major cleaning..

*sigh* i just want that empty feeling to come back..

.Happy moment: I was at HEB and these two really sweet guys started talking to me. They ended up getting my number. i hope they call. They invited me to play ultimate frisbee with them but i wasnt in the mood. mm shoulda went.