Spring Time...
(2003-09-23, 7:37 p.m.)
Last night was amazing. Thinking about it brings a smile to my face. I busted out the Bible and read and I got the most amazing feeling came over me. Then I busted out the Christian music and just worshipped in my bed. It was so good to feel God's prescense again.Im slowly taking steps to getting back on track with God. I know what I need to do and its gonna be hard. But I think of people like Leanne, Marc, Mobo,Drea,n Rach and it helps me get through things.

I threw out all my metabolife. Im trying to get back on track with my eating but there are days when i screw up(like today) and I get so discouraged but now when I say tomorrow will be better it really will be b/c i'll be leaning on God.

My weekend of drinking shot my weight up to 143. Ah no worries. Im trying to think one positive thing about myself each day.

Got an 84 on my psychology test. Been studying for my philosopy test that I have on Friday.

Speaking of Friday I'm going back to the woodlands. Im getting my hair done on Saturday...the works. Im happy 'cuz I need it so bad.

Well back to Gilmore Girls!