Spring Time...
(2003-09-17, 10:47 p.m.)
Time for a random survey...nothing else in my life is happening...i get a new phone tomorrow...thats about all thats new


-- Name: Tay

-- Birth date: May 10, 1985

-- Birthplace: Ohio

-- Current Location: UT! Hook 'Em!

-- Eye Color: Dark Brown

-- Hair Color: not quite sure...i've died it so many times lol

-- Height: 5'7

-- Righty or Lefty: righty

-- Zodiac Sign: Taurus...thats right..a bull baby!


-- Your heritage: African American, Native American, and some white people lol

-- The shoes you wore today: I know ya'll relaly care huh...flip flops and tennis shoes

-- Your weakness: BOYS!

-- Your fears: my mom dieing, being alone, getting fat

-- Your perfect pizza: Hawaiin! i know i spelt that wrong..im a retard

-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Become captain of my college lacrosse team by the team im a senior


-- Your most overused phrase on AIM:slit

-- Your thoughts first waking up: Damn its 7:45..whoohoo 5 classes today..i need a damn cell phone

-- Your bedtime: whenever i crawl my ass into bed..between 11:30 n 12:00

-- Your most missed memory: just being a child...


-- Pepsi or Coke: Diet Vanilla Pepsi..that stuff is the shit!

-- McDonald's or Burger King: Mickey D's

-- Single or group dates: either or

-- Adidas or Nike: MY ADIDAS!

-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: tea is tea

-- Chocolate or vanilla: I like that chocolate - vanilla swirl

-- Cappuccino or coffee: I like both but I love coffee more!


-- Smoke: yea unfortunately, i need to quit

-- Cuss: ha ha if you knew me you know i have the worst mouth

-- Sing: lol yea..and i have such a crappy voice

-- Take a shower everyday: yea..sometimes twice

-- Have a crush: Nope..enjoying not having feelings for anybody

-- Do you think you've been in love: i know i haven't

-- Like(d) high school: I loved hanging out with my friends

-- Want to go to college: I am in college

-- Want to get married: yea

-- Believe in yourself: occasionally

-- Get motion sickness: thankfully no

-- Think you're attractive: sometimes

-- Think you're a health freak: i guess

-- Get along with: say what?

-- Play an instrument: i used to play the clarinet..5 frickin years baby


In the past month...

-- Drank alcohol: lol..im in college...what do you think?

-- Smoked: sho' nuff

-- Done a drug: sho' nuff

-- Had Sex: nope

-- Made Out: uhm..i think so

-- Gone on a date: nope

-- Gone to the mall?: yup

-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: thankfully no

-- Eaten sushi: no

-- Been on stage: no

-- Been dumped: nope

-- Gone skating: no

-- Made homemade cookies: thats kinda impossible to do in a dorm room

-- Gone skinnydipping: nope..but I did go swimming at 3am, piss ass drunk at this guys apartment i had just met

-- Dyed your hair: no..but i need to its looking pretty shitty

-- Stolen anything: nope



-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: lol probably...i wanst sober to remember tho

-- If so, was it mixed company: "mized company" lol wtf

-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated:omg YES! many many times..all in the past 4 months lol

-- Been caught "doing something": nope

-- Been called a tease: yea

-- Gotten beaten up: nope

-- Shoplifted: I kleptoed a pen from Benigans..does that count?

-- Changed who you were to fit in: never have never will


-- Age you hope to be married: by the time 30

-- Numbers and Names of Children: 4; Theresa Victoria, Riley Veronica, Luke and i dunno the last

-- Describe your Dream Wedding: havent really thought about it

-- How do you want to die:in my sleep

-- Where you want to go to college: MOCO! 242 U!

What do you want to be when you grow up: own my own business, i kinda wanna get back into modeling

-- What country would you most like to visit: Austrailia

In a guy/girl..

-- Best eye color? Green or Blue

-- Best hair color? Blonde hair or really dark brown

-- Short or long hair: long

-- height: taller than me

-- Best weight: depends

-- Best articles of clothing: skater/punk look

-- Best first date location: mmmm depends

--Best first kiss location: see above


-- # of drugs taken illegally: just weed

-- # of people I could trust with my life: about 5 or 6

-- # of CDs that I own: a lot

-- # of piercings: ears, nose, R.I.P. belly button :( lol no worries im getting it repierced soon

-- # of tattoos: 2

-- # of scars on my body: more than 3.. i scar easily

-- # of things in my past that I regret: i try to live life with no regrets