Spring Time...
(2003-09-07, 2:14 p.m.)
My weekend was so fucking crazy.

So Friday night me my roomate, and our two friends wanted to go see Bad Boys. We went to the mall then went to Chilli's to eat. WE went to four...read it FOUR fucking movie theathers, only one was showing it and it started at 9. We were all pretty pissed off and bored so we drove around. We decided to go to The Underground but it sucked ass so we left. It was now about mmm 11:30. My roomate got a call from her friend and he and three of his friends were at an apartment drinking. So we got enough bacardi silver that each of us would have six bottles. So we went there and I drank my 6 bacardi silvers and a budweiser. We stayed there till fuckin 4 am. We went swimming at like 3. Swimming drunk is really fun lol.

Saturday. My roomie is from San Antonio and her sister's friend was having a massive birthday party for one of their friends. We left for San Antonio at like 9 and went to Bennigans for dinner. Then we went to the party. Omg. There were soo many people there. They were all like 25 and up but they were really cool. There was so much alchohol and so much weed. So lets see I drank: a mixed drink of smirnoff vodka and cranberry juice, 2 big shots of parrot bay, a jello shot, and three smirnoff triple blacks. I also had some really really good weed. It was my first time smokin from a bong. Lol. I got so high dude it was fuckin great. But man I can't do that every weekend. Partying takes a lot out of me.

But I cant wait to get an apartment. I want all my friends to come to UT and then get an apartment together. Lol wishful thinking right?

Im looking for a job cuz im so poor. I needs me some money.