Spring Time...
Day 1
(2003-08-29, 6:51 p.m.)
Hey guys! Im in an exceptionally great mood right now! My day has been amazing. I had two classes today...Philosophy from 12-1 then calculus from 2-3.

Food wise Ive been kicking ass! I stuck to my plan for what to eat, i havent restricted and I havent binged...i've been normal. And whats funny is that even tho im eating, I feel skinnier then ive ever felt. I feel really healthy and alive. God this is such an amazing feeling. Lol. Im excited for power yoga and step aerobics and lacrosse to start next week. Wohoo!

Tonight...hmmm.. me and my roomate and some of our other friends are supposed to go out tonight. I dunno..we wanna go to 6th street but you hafta be 21 to get into bars, we might go to Georgetown and hit some parties here, or maybe find some frat parties in Austin. I might not even go out. Im exhausted and Im driving back to The Woodlands tomorrow.

Speaking of the woodlands, I have this gorgeous guy in my calculus thats from the woods. And I also have 2 girls on my floor from the woodlands. And I saw like 5 people from teh woodlands today. Good grief. Well Im gonna go now.

Day 1 comlete. Tomorrows a new day. And its gonna be harder cuz I always eat really unhealty when i get back to the weedlands. Meh. As long as I stay strong ill be fine.

I CAN do this!