Spring Time...
(2003-08-20, 3:42 p.m.)
I havent started my 2468 diet yet. I do that tomorrow for sure. I got a huge craving for pretzles and dried fruit so I decided I let my enjoy my last craving before I go on a uh "strict diet" Lol. Im only gonna keep ana till i reach 120. Yes I know the number keeps getting lower but Im fine with 120. Plus this gives me time to go shopping for safe foods and to construct a "meal plan" and an exercise plan. My gym stays open till 11pm so I plan on going twice a day till classes start...early in the morning then late at night staying for atleast an hr each time. Whoo im excited! Im gonna go start on my ana book...for those of you that dont know its basically a scrapbook with pics of skinny models and tips and tricks n such. Most people call it 'Thinspiration'. Ill update more later tonight.

Update. I went to the gym to work out and i weighed myself. *sigh* 143. One hundred and forty fucking three pounds. Disgusting. I know I really only weight 140 if not les..those three or so pounds is all water weight. So tonight Ima scarf a lot of water and weigh myself tomorrow with my realy weight. Ill also post all my measurements and shit. Well Im off to go shower and to start working on my scrapbook. Oh yea tomorrow Im fasting. I know I was suposed to start with 200 cals but since I ate today Ima fast tomorrow. Its just gonna be hard cuz im goin back to the woods this weekend and my sister (ill call her my sister cuz she might as well be) will want me to eat. Oh well...holla!

Second update: My fast starts now and Im going until I get back home Friday. Im keeping myself extremely busy tomorrow so there wont be a chance for me to eat. I plan on staying up really late tonight so i'll sleep late tomorrow. I mean late until mmm maybe 12 or 1. Get some coffee(black) and go to the gym for an hr. I have about 2 1/2 hrs of laundry to do. So this puts me to around 4 or 5. Then Ima map out where all my classes are and then go walk to each of em and time em. thatll take another good 2 hours so thats puts me at 7. Then im gonna take my shower then go to bed and get ready for my drive. Tomrrow is gonna be a long day :)