Spring Time...
day 3 of recovery
(2003-05-24, 8:39 a.m.)
Yea. So I weighed myself again this morning. 134 lbs. I don't know how much longer Im gonna manage not putting on weight. Im allowed to do 1 exercise video 3 times a week. I used to do 3 in one fucking day. This is driving my absolutely insane. No running, no elipitical machine, I dont even know if i can walk my fucking dog.

Part of me wishes I had never told my mom. Id probably be in the 128ish range and my beautiful hip bones would be sticking out more than they already are. The other part of me is glad I told her b/c now I can lose the weight the "healthy" way. Itll take longer but alteast im eating food.

I've been reading people's online diaries and I hate to admit this but Im so jeaolous of the ana's. Hey im being honest here. I miss restricting and the feeling of accomplishment as I watch my friends feed their faces and I don't eat a damn thing. I love working out like crazy and burning twice the calories that I ate. I'm not gonna revert back to ana now but honestly in the future I dont know. I know Im gonna stay away from mia. Mia was a pain in the ass.

Anyways. I feel so lazy. Normally Id be up at the Y or at McC playing some lacrosse.

Yesterday at my follow up dr's appt. my temp was 96.1. My doc was like "ooh thats another reason to put you in the hospital". I had just drunk something cold so they re did my temp but wouldnt tell me what it was.

I did a workout vid and 10 min into I was exhausted. I stuck it out though and finished. Now Im a tid bit tired and short of breath and my heart hurts like a bitch..

Oh yea last night. we saw abbey...excuse abi there with her friends. She was trying to act all badass...notice how I say act. She is such a bitch. I wonder if she knows I told her mom that she has started drinking. Hmmmm...anyways. In the end it all boils down to this...i miss her.