Spring Time...
May day
(2003-05-13, 5:39 p.m.)

Time becomes entrenched in eternity

Day coalesces into an immortal being with night.

Darkness triumphs in the everlasting battle with light.

Yesterday morphs into the future

While tomorrow descends into the past.

Bitter tears corrode at last

The daydream that awakened my hopes.

Only to be replaced with a nightmare

That leaves me gazing with a blank stare.

Boney hands thrive on my strife.

And crush the hope for a normal life.


Anyways. Im debating whether or not to go on a fast for two days since i have to eat in front of people this weekend. I know Im gonna do it on Thursday...still debating about Wednesday. I've eaten well today. I drank half a slim fast shake(100), 3 cups of coffee(100) and a package of baby carrots(25). Food literally disgusts me. The thought of eating terrifies me. Atleast with mia I was still eating...*sigh*

My roomate seems pretty cool. I think she and I will become good friends.

I worked out for 50 min. today. Im not supposed to sweat heavily so I walked like 2 and a half miles.

I found a heaven food..jello. for a whole package its only 40 calories.

Some people are destroyed by outside things. I destroy myself. Food is my obssession, my weakness, my life.