Spring Time...
Good day
(2003-05-12, 7:47 p.m.)
Life is good. My tattoo is doing fine. It feels like a really bad rug burn. Thats the main part.

I havent really been eating at all. I ate sat. and sun. but thats only cuz it was my bday and mothers day. Today I've eaten a piece of low fat wheat toast with a 1/2 tsp of pb (54 cals), an apple(63 cals), 6 pretzles(70 cals), and a small bag of carrots(25 cals). Oh and two cups of coffee. So Im pretty cool.

I was on a website and I found some song lyrics and I found some that were really meanigful.

"I choose my choice, I starve to frenzy

Hunger soon passes, sickness soon tires

Legs bend, stockinged I am Twiggy

and I don't mind the horror that surrounds me

Self-worth scatters, self-esteems a bore

I long since moved to a higher plateau

This discipline's so rare so applaud

Just look at the fat scum who pamper me so

Yeah 4 stones 7, an epilogue of youth

Such beautiful dignity in self-abuse

I've finally come to understand life

Through staring blankly at my navel"

Anyways I'm gonna get back to t.v. now.