Spring Time...
4 days!
(2003-05-06, 8:26 p.m.)
Im down to 140 lbs. Wow this is great. Ill def. be down to 130 by summer.

It hasnt been that hard to not binge. I read that if you dont puke it up in like 10 min or so, about 25% of the calories are absorbed. And if you binged on like 20000 cals(hey it happens) then youd still have gotten 5000 cals. thats a a little more than a pound. YIKES!

I found prom shoes today. And earrings. Im so excited. My dress is so pretty.

Im taking a quick break from studying. I have one chapter left to read in government and it is so tedious.

I had a really good salad from Eatzi's. Low cal too. Im pretty much rambling now so im gonna get back to studying