Spring Time...
(2003-04-14, 2:09 p.m.)
Wohoo I havent b/p in a week. I think this is the longest I've gone(not including Mexico). Things are going really well for me.

My dad found a box of cereal and peanut butter under my bed from when I binged a long time ago. I told my mom that but I dont think she believes me b/c I have lied in the past. It sucks cuz im really telling the truth. Lying is bad kids dont do it!

Still havent found out about nationals. its driving me absolutely insane. Oh yea and the last game of the season is tomorrow at 7 at McC. Yall betta come out and support us! What what! Represent that clique. Anyways....

I need to go work on a story for a scholarship so this is me signing off. Later players.