Spring Time...
wohoo my weekend
(2003-10-26, 8:33 p.m.)
My weekend was pretty good. Friday I went back to The Woods...ate dinner with Drea and Mo and then we went to a haunted house. I swear we are the three most dysfunctional people. Lol. We got lost and they had to turn on the lights for us and such. Then me and drea went to Tati's. i had beer, a shot of tequila and then another shot of some really strong shit so i was feeling pretty darn happy. Then we all went to to toms house(big surprise there) I got so fucking wasted. Omg. I drank sooo much. I barely remember a bunch of shit that happened that night.

Saturday! I had so much fun with $. We drove around for most of the night while we waited for drea to do a church thing. well we were driving and being stupid and there were 2 guys in this car. $ motioned for them to follow us and so they did. Then they motioned for us to follow them...we had nothing else to do so we did. to make a long story short we ended up hanging with them. One of them bought me a 6pack of Smirnoff Triple Black so I took that and went to Brandons house. just chilled and watched t.v. I drank 3 of the 6. I wasnt wasted but I wasnt exactly in a sober frame of mind. drea calls brandon and i tell him i still have feelings for him. problem is i dont. so i dont know what to do. i hope he still doesnt like me...i dont think he does so i hope my drunken incident isnt mentioned again.

i really like being a single STRAIGHT female. im not homophobic but there are so many hot boys in the world i dont see how girls can go for girls. ive really never even thought about kissing another girl. sorry random tangent.

my weekend of drinking thankfully hasnt made me gain weight. Probably because i barely ate this weekend and when i did it was salads..well cept i had wendys sat nite and ihop today. but thats ok. my new diet pills should be here soon. heres a rough sketch of my eating. I hafta lose 5 lbs by friday bc im wearing somethin skimpy.

mon/wed:500 cals


thurs:200 cals

so thats the plan. wish me luck