Spring Time...
(2003-10-21, 12:24 p.m.)
Hey guys its been a while. I went back to The Woodlands over the weekend. It was alright...it had its ups and downs. My best friend got a badass explorer. Finally she got her own car! We both have blue cars, how great is that lol.

I had left Sunday night for the glorious drive back to Austin but I made it to a little past Magnolia before I fell asleep so I promptly headed back home and got a good nights rest. I left at 5am to make it to all my classes. Its pretty scary b/c I take the back way and it was all dark and lonely and scary. I swear I kept hearing a chainsaw....;).

I hate people that talk about eating disorders when they havent had one and then they get all self righteous and then say its okay to fast for a week or so at a time or that a normal person does like 8 hrs of exercise a day. Right. Maybe they should examine their own eating habits and their own lifestyle before judging other people. Hell its public knowledge that I have an eating disorder. The sooner you recognize that YOU have a problem the better chance you have of recovering. Sorry for that random bitch tangent.

Speaking of eating though, im trying weight watchers again. I liked doing that and basing things on points. Counting calories drives me insane b/c its all i think about.

A Perfect Circle 11 days. Oh yes.

Ha ha. I love how people are hypocritical and do exactly what they are criticizing someone else for. Mmmm chew on that for a while.