Spring Time...
(2003-05-31, 1:02 p.m.)
Just seeing if this works:

Those are some pics from prom i put up. more l8tr. A few other entries ago aI wrote a poem and named it 'ana'. well i rewrote the poem in case i wanted to submit it for something so here it is.

'Morning Beauty'

Time becomes entrenched in eternity

Day coalesces into an immortal being with night.

Darkness triumphs in the everlasting battle with light.

Yesterday morphs into the future,

While tomorrow descends into the past.

What will be never was,

What was will always exist.

Sorrow depletes the morning beauty.

Casting doubt onto the world below.

Sweet despair glistens on the leaf of misery.

While hearts burn with a crimson glow.

Fallacy merges with truth,

While honesty deceives lies.

Understanding flows from the heavens,

And knowledge opens my eyes.


Anywho, I did most of the workout (read yesterday's entry) But i stepped on one of my exercise videos and broke it. Ah well.