Spring Time...
(2003-05-21, 6:43 p.m.)
Hey readers. This might be my last entry for a while. Here's why: I went to my dr. today and my pulse was dangerously low due to my anorexia. I was officially diagnosed with having anorexia nervosa and bulimia. I'm also diagnosed with depression. I'm also borderline bipolar..I haven't shown any of the manic symptoms..yet. I went to go get an EKG and my pulse dropped down to 38. If it went below 40 I'd have to be admitted to the hospital. Right now we are waiting to see if I need to go to the hospital for heart damage.

Pray for me...love you all.

Update! No worries now. Im not going to the hospital. I have to drink 3 ensures and eat 3 meals a day. And go back on Friday to check everything out. If Im still screwed up then I have to go to an eating disorder hospital place..

Guys eating disorders kill. Please get help. I was bulimic for 6 months and anorexic for 2 weeks and that isnt a long time and look where its gotten me. Please please get help!