Spring Time...
(2003-04-01, 5:59 a.m.)
"All these carats like im a fucking vegetarian" Lol thats like my lacrosse team lyric of the year. One of us starts saying it so does everyone else.

I started my semi liquid fast type diet today. I plan to keep under 800 cal. For breakfast I have a slim fast but i fix it so its only 160 cal. Then for lunch I have my low fat yogurt, 140 cal. And then I save the rest for dinner b/c of my game today but normally for lacrosse pratice.

My shins were killing me yesterday. Im glad my Coach knows that I dont practice only when it hurts really bad b/c I felt like a total slacker not playing.

We won our first game this weekend. 5-1. It was sweet.

It looks like its 99.9% possibility that Im taking my car with me this summer. Which Im excited b/c on weekends I can drive home and spend some time with friends.
