Spring Time...
(2003-05-29, 8:31 a.m.)
Wohoo! Bout to leave in like 10 min to go to graduation practice. Im really excited. I can't believe its over already.

I lost 2 lbs. Back down to 133. Wohoo! Go me.

So I went to the senior picnic. Im glad I went. But something odd happened. Out of nowhere a good friend of mine blurted out that she another good friend were worried about me. Its nice to know that they care. They mean a lot to me. I hate having people worry about me though. I kinda wish I never told anyone but then the other part of me loves knowing that my friends care.

Yet no one can understand why I dont want to get better. I guess you wouldn't unless you have experienced everything I am with my ed...the good stuff and the bad stuff.

Graduation tonight. Operation Graduation. Win me some money. Tomorrow I have a dr's appt at freakin 915 in the morning then I think me and the moms are going to Bed Bath n Beyond to go shoppin for my dorm room. 8 more days!