Spring Time...
Shes doing what!?!
(2003-01-04, 10:59 p.m.)
Tonight was really fun. It was just me and Lynz. I always have the funnest time with her even though we really dont do anything. We saw Analyze That. It was a really funny movie, and the hottest italian boy was in it. Then we went to starbux. Lol. This deserves its on paragraph.

There was this woman that was breast feeding her baby at the table across from ours. It was really nasty. Being the loud and crazy kids we are, we started talking about her. I think her and her friend, her friends husband, and her own husband heard us cuz when this woman's friend walked by she stared at my chest with the weirdest look on her face. "can I borrow yours?!" "well I have two extra!"

Then on the table there were all these porn ads in the newspaper. "Get sex tonight!" "Be Gay!". Fun times.

The cute guy Steven was working. He is adorable. He randomly gives me free drinks. Yummy. Coffee!!

side note: I hope Abs is ok. She hurt her knee