Spring Time...
Kix n Chips
(2003-01-03, 12:27 a.m.)
Kix and white chocloate chips. Really yummy at 12:28. Dont worry im not about to go throw up. Im too tired and too lazy.

Today was fun. Me, Mo, and Abs went running at McC at 10 this morning. Then they messed around a little with my extra lax stick while i got some practice in. Then me and Abs basically hung out all day. Played some Mario Kart. That was really fun. Lately I've just been wanting to go to people's houses and chill. I dont feel like being out in the street.

Well me and abs went to Drea's house today. I really honestly enjoyed myself. At first it was kinda weird but then it got better. Maybe there is hope for our friendships. Talked to Branden for a bit too. I've missed him. He is so funny.

Im content again right now. A tid bit exhausted. I need to be going to bed soon